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A Guide to Python Docstring Formats: Choosing the Right Style for Your Code

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    Josh Di Mella
  1. Python Docstring Formats and Examples
  2. Conclusion

When it comes to writing clean and maintainable code, proper documentation plays a crucial role. In Python, one essential aspect of documentation is using docstrings — specially formatted strings that provide information about functions, classes, and modules. In this blog post, we'll explore different Python function docstring formats to help you choose the right style for your codebase.

Python Docstring Formats and Examples

In this section, we will explore various Python function docstring formats commonly used in the community. We will provide examples for each format, including Google style docstrings, Sphinx/reStructuredText style docstrings, NumPy style docstrings, and Epytext style docstrings. By comparing these formats, you can choose the one that best suits your codebase and documentation needs.

Google Style Docstrings

Google style docstrings follow a structured format and are widely adopted in the Python community. They consist of a summary line, detailed explanations, and specific sections for parameters, return values, and raised exceptions. This format ensures comprehensive and standardized documentation, making it easier for developers to understand and use your code.


def function_name(parameter1, parameter2):
    This is a brief summary of the function.

        parameter1 (type): Description of parameter1.
        parameter2 (type): Description of parameter2.

        type: Description of the return value.

        ExceptionType: Description of the exception raised.

Sphinx/reStructuredText style Docstrings

Sphinx-style docstrings are commonly used in projects that utilize the Sphinx documentation system. They provide a rich and expressive way to document Python code, supporting the generation of professional-looking documentation. This format allows for detailed documentation with sections such as parameters, return values, and raised exceptions. Sphinx-style docstrings can be written in various formats, including reStructuredText (reST). reST is particularly beneficial for projects that require professional-looking documentation and API reference generation. Note that this is the format recommended by the PEP 287


def function_name(parameter1, parameter2):
    This is a brief summary of the function.

    :param parameter1: Description of parameter1.
    :type parameter1: type
    :param parameter2: Description of parameter2.
    :type parameter2: type
    :return: Description of the return value.
    :rtype: type
    :raises ExceptionType: Description of the exception raised.

NumPy Style Docstrings

NumPy style docstrings are commonly used in scientific computing and data analysis projects. They offer a concise and structured approach to documenting code. With sections like parameters, return values, and raised exceptions, this format ensures that crucial information is clearly communicated to users. If you're working on projects involving scientific calculations or data manipulation, this style might be a suitable choice.


def function_name(parameter1, parameter2):
    This is a brief summary of the function.

    parameter1 : type
        Description of parameter1.
    parameter2 : type
        Description of parameter2.

        Description of the return value.

        Description of the exception raised.

Epytext Style Docstrings

Epytext style docstrings provide a simpler and lightweight approach to documentation. Although less commonly used than other formats, they are still worth considering. Epytext format includes tags like @param, @type, @return, and @raise to provide information about parameters, return values, and exceptions. This format can be useful when you prefer a more straightforward and compact documentation style.


def function_name(parameter1, parameter2):
    This is a brief summary of the function.

    @param parameter1: Description of parameter1.
    @type parameter1: type
    @param parameter2: Description of parameter2.
    @type parameter2: type
    @return: Description of the return value.
    @rtype: type
    @raise ExceptionType: Description of the exception raised.


Choosing the right docstring format is essential for maintaining consistent and readable documentation in your Python code. Whether you opt for Google style, Sphinx/reStructuredText, NumPy style, or Epytext, the key is to maintain consistency within your codebase or project. By adopting a specific docstring format, you enhance code understandability, promote collaboration, and make it easier for others to use and contribute to your code.

Remember, regardless of the chosen format, the most important thing is to document your code effectively and provide clear explanations of its functionality and usage. Consistent and well-documented code not only benefits your own development process but also makes it easier for others to understand, maintain, and extend your code.

Happy documenting!

If you have any questions or would like to discuss this topic further, feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn. I would be happy to hear your thoughts and continue the conversation! 😊